Search results for gut microbiome

  • Is the Gut Responsible for Your Immune System?

    Are you aware of the critical connection between your gut and immune system? Nestled within your gastrointestinal tract is a vast and complex ecosystem known as the gut microbiome, bustling with a myriad of bacteria, fungi and other microbes. These microscopic organisms are integral not only for proper digestive function and absorption of nutrients, but also for engaging in a continuous dialogue with the vast network of immune cells working together to defend your body’s health. Read More ›

  • What Weakens the Immune System?

    If you’re concerned about your immune health, you’ve probably heard that lifestyle factors, such as drinking and smoking, weaken your immune system. Nicotine, as well as the other chemicals in cigarettes and vape oils, actually suppress your immune system. And alcohol, which is dehydrating and can cause inflammation, is arguably one of the worst things for immunity. Read More ›

  • 3 Common Probiotics Myths

    By now you’ve probably heard that probiotics are good for your gut health. But do you know what qualifies as a probiotic? Or that different probiotic strains impact your health in particular ways? Read More ›

  • Are Postbiotics Better Than Probiotics?

    In the ever evolving world of biotics research, postbiotics have emerged as the latest nutritional strategy for supporting gut health and beyond — providing a number of key advantages over probiotics. But what exactly are postbiotics? Read More ›

  • Meet the Experts at IMMUSE™: Professor Dr. Colin Hill

    Kyowa Hakko’s Scientific Advisor on the Exciting World of Postbiotics Dedicated to improving lives through health sciences, Kyowa Hakko is passionate about consumer education — partnering with world class experts to disseminate complex scientific information. Professor Dr. Colin Hill is a leading scientists and thought leader in the field of gut-microbiome research, and the latest addition to the IMMUSE™ Scientific Advisory Board. As a part of IMMUSE’s team of experts, Dr. Hill will help further advance the understanding and education of postbiotics by participating in group discussions, as ... Read More ›

  • How Does Good Bacteria Help the Immune System?

    The Gut Microbiome and Immune System Connection - The gut microbiome and immune system are critically interconnected, having evolved together in a mutually beneficial (or symbiotic) relationship over time. In other words, the health and function of your immune system are dependent on the bacteria living in your gut. And the community of gut microbiota is influenced by the health of your immune system (in addition to your diet and environment). Read More ›